A different topic for this blog: infrastructure. I’ve written a couple of blogs about consuming Broadsoft XSI events on C# and I’ve had a couple of developers asking me to demonstrate what I’ve build. I actually showed the software on my development desktop but that didn’t feel right, so I looked for options and found plenty. I decided to go for a self-hosted environment using an Intel Core i5 NUC running Debian 8 Continue reading Creating a Windows 7 demonstration environment using an Intel Core i5 NUC
Tag Archives: win7
Automagically minimize javascript in Eclipse on Windows
The WordPress tool I’m developing uses jQuery scripting. I’ve seen people including a minimized version of the scripting and I think that’s a good approach. I’m using Eclipse on Windows on my development system and it happened more than once that I forgot to include the minimized version of the scripting. I found a solution in my search for a way to do this automatically. Continue reading Automagically minimize javascript in Eclipse on Windows